• Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • Floyds Transport
  • 3680 Square metresArea
Long Established Transport & Haulage Business On Crossroads of Two Highways

Floyds is a well-established and successful heavy transport company, ideally located on the junction of the New England Highway (connecting Sydney & Brisbane) and the Gwydir Highway (connecting the coast to the west), with a great drive through depot and secure sheds.

Specialising in general freight, but also handling some container transport, Floyds have over 70 regular local customers while still picking up plenty of one off customer deliveries. With 3 established contracts in place, there is peace of mind with a steady income coming in at all times.

A family operation, the business is staffed by qualified and dependable staff and prides itself in providing its customers with high-quality services performed with safety and community responsibility in mind.

The only freight & haulage business in Glen Innes, the business has little direct competition locally despite it's well situated location.

With plenty of expansion opportunities, a new owner has the opportunity to increase productivity with the addition of a B Double, re enter the Sydney market with a depot or expand the container haulage with an already established clientele.

The business operates using three prime movers and smaller delivery vehicles for the local area, all vehicles are available by negotiation.

The depot is available for lease or purchase depending on the needs of the new owner.

For more information on this great business opportunity, please contact Matthew Velcich (0437 015 018)

Note: Sale is exclusive of vehicles & land. Vehicles & land are available by negotiation

Disclaimer: All information contained is gathered from relevant third party sources. We cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must rely solely on their own enquiries.

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